Thursday, May 26, 2011

I've Nyaned for 607521.3 seconds.

Long over due updates are long over due. Though I can woefully inform you that I have indeed continued listening to the hypnotic call of the Nyan cat. Although you can imagine my suffering is great (It is, I've already gotten a chronic headache from this) the toll isn't only being taken upon me, but my computer as well. As it turns out, my computer isn't too fond of playing nothing but Nyan cat all day for over a week now. The entire time not having the chance to power down... Yeah, everything is pretty slow and there's noticeable lag as I type these words. Computer aside, my family hasn't heard the cat (Mostly in part that the Nyan isn't at a volume that can be heard from outside the confines of my room) and most everything else is going just fine. What I have noticed though is the increasing lack of self control over doing homework, I mean I was bad before but now it's getting outrageous! Homework isn't getting done while listening to this cat, the only thing that can get done is a stroll over to facebook or other things that require little if any brain power to accomplish (Like cleaning up my room, or procrastination!). Reading has also become rather hard, though not completely impossible to pull off. By trying to block the cat from ever entering my thought cycle, I can read other blog posts and regular news without much interruption. Regardless, I'd still prefer to not have to listen to this cat any longer...

Apart from that, I'm also very interested in doing some research on how sounds and music affect the human thought processes and behaviors. Of course, I have already experienced my own experiments first hand, but I shall strive forward! So far from research I've found out that yes sounds and music can affect behaviors, such as listening to country music for extended periods of time has a high chance of bringing on depression. (Links to be found and later edited into this post.) Though the most interesting finding to date for me has to be the concept of making your body do things based on subliminal messages hidden in sound. One example is of a Japanese researcher who created a 30-second ring tone of what would sounds like a horribly played rock guitar, when in actuality, there's a subliminal crying baby hidden within the sound waves. That subliminal messaging is enough for that if a woman were to listen to said ring tone 20 times a day for 10 days, her bust size would increase 3cm due to the maternal instinct of hearing a baby crying out for nutrition Original post (possible NSFW) . I just found that rather interesting... o_o"

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